NLP—The Key to Living Life at its Best
What if you could reinvent yourself–keep the parts you like and change the rest? Remember what it was like as a child, or in college when all the worlds possibilities lay at your feet? What if you could recapture that enthusiasm for life, find the formula to eliminate emotional stress and become the dynamic, effective, empowered person you know you could be, if only?
Stress is perhaps one of the modern worlds most prevalent and destructive disorders. More than 66% of all visits to doctors in the United States are for stress-related problems. Stress on the job costs more than $150 billion a year in absenteeism, lost productivity, medical coverage, and accidents. That’s a lot of money. But the real cost is from the way stress corrodes self-esteem, satisfaction, creativity, job effectiveness, life enthusiasm, and family harmony.
NLP is an effective and powerful way to not just put a bandaid on stress, but to deal with why and how you have stress in your life and effectively change emotional, behavioral, and mental patterns that cause it. But NLP doesnt stop there.
NLP, developed in the 1970s by a computer programmer and a mathematician does not fit the model of any other technique for self-improvement or self-empowerement. It was built backwards. Many models for making our lives better are built from a set of theories and practices that someone believes might work. NLP, on the other hand, started with observations of success in the world. These were then broken down into their common components and formulated into a usable technology for change.
Bandler, Grinder
The developers of NLP, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, observed exceptional therapists and communicatorssuperheroes of the world of human excellence, including Dr. Milton Erickson, Fritz Perls, and Virginia Satir. Bandler and Grinder studied how they achieved such phenomenal results with people in the face of great odds. What they found, after studying many more superstars was that human excellence included certain identifiable patterns that anyone, given the know-how and opportunity, could adopt and use.
These patterns could be applied to personal and social life, relationships, business, parenting, creativity, achievement, motivation, learning, communication, innovation, and more–virtually any area of living could be greatly enhanced and improved by using these patterns in specific ways.
Tools to Change
In application, NLP is a set of tools to change, enhance, or adjust the way our mind processes information, which affects the way we feel, which in turn affects the way we choose to live and behave. And, it does this in a clean, efficient way that doesnt require years of therapy or self-denial.
Because its technology is, in a sense, neutral, it can be applied in both personal business arenas. Some evidence of this can be seen in articles written for trade and professional magazines, including:
Psychology Today
“NLP cannot be dismissed as just another hustle..”
The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, August 2001
“Investigators can enhance their rapport-building skills by examining some practical recommendations derived from the behavior modification technique known as Neuro-Linguistic Programming.”
Computer Weekly, April 12, 2001
“Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), the so-called science of human excellence, is only now taking off in the business and IT world and it is doing so in a big way.”
One reason for the growth of interest is that having tried all of the process-driven initiatives of the past, many IT leaders, teams and companies are realizing that future success all comes down to people–to awakening their true potential. Companies that do this release a powerful force.
Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine
“While NLP can be applied to nearly any type of human activity, from business to social relations, some practitioners use it exclusively to enhance the healing process. Based on the theory that the mind and one’s beliefs and emotions have a vast power over what goes on in the body, NLP seeks to assist people in changing their beliefs about their illnesses and consequently about their ability to heal.”
Real Estate Today, February, 1982
“. . . real estate brokers and salespeople use Neuro-Linguistics to enhance their communication skills and provide them with more choices when working in a difficult situation. . . it shows how we make sense of the world around us and communicate.”
Training and Development Journal
“(NLP) does offer the potential for making changes without the usual agony that accompanies these phenomena… Thus it affords the opportunity to gain flexibility, creativity and greater freedom of action than most of us now know…”
NLP Proven
NLP has proven itself in all walks of life. It is no longer considered a new age, fringe technology. It has shown its value to people of all ages and professions. How can you learn how to use NLP? It is usually offered in intense trainings of anywhere from 10 to 21 days for the Practitioner Course and another of the same length for a Master Practitioner Course. If you want to then go on to be a trainer, there is a specialized course sometimes called Training for Trainers.
All in all, you could spend several months to a couple of years to learn it completely. This may seem a lot but when you compare it to the time and money spent on any other education of worth, it comes out a bargain in both time and dollars. With NLP you are learning a map for successful living, not just a list of statistics, facts, and figures.
For True Change
If NLP is sought for personal change, you soon discover that it is not just another feel good self-help seminar with a lot of drama and little lasting benefit. It changes you from the inside out and from the outside in. Your personal growth becomes an automatic way of life instead of a struggle to follow the rules or do the process.
Not Like Other Ways
You discover that NLP doesn’t use the traditional model of find the root cause of pain and wallow in it. It doesn’t simply give you a label for your problem. Doesn’t going to a therapist week after week, year after year with no improvement or real healing logically seem to be a waste of time and money? Perhaps thats why so many people choose not to seek help from a therapist. NLP doesn’t need to know why you are feeling or behaving the way you do, NLP examines how you are the way you are and how you can be different.
Many Uses
NLP used in a management or business setting examines the fact that we are all human and will react with emotions, opinions, and behavior patterns that are uniquely ours, regardless of whether it is in the boardroom, schoolroom, or bedroom. By examining how we communicate with and respond to each other, you can remove obstacles to ultimate success. NLP hands you the keys to the secrets of living life at its best!