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Astrology Course Lesson 16
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Astrology Course - Lesson 16: Aspects - Part 2. It is here that the intricacies of astrology begin to come forth. The aspects are what tie the horoscope together and make it an integrated portrait of personality and health.
Sextiles are the dynamics of planets and points separated by 60 degrees. However, remember that orb allowance modifies this somewhat to, say 55-65 degrees depending on the orb you are using.
A sextile is considered a "positive" or easy aspect and brings the energies of the planets, etc. together harmoniously. The only drawback is that the opportunities offered by sextiles may be too easy and thus not taken advantage of or not appreciated. Someone with a lot of sextiles could easily become lazy or apathetic about what the sextile's offer because the challenge of striving for a goal is missing. This "laziness" isn't necessary with sextiles but it is common.
The following delineations are guidelines for interpreting sextiles and squares. Use your own creative thinking to fit an individual chart.
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This Astrology course of thirty lessons is comprehensive and complete, giving you an understanding and in depth knowledge of astrology. After successful completion of the course you will be fully qualified to practice astrology either privately or professionally and certified by MetaStudies Institute as an Astrology Practitioner.
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