Why Life? What’s Life’s Purpose?
Message from Johar and Simon channeled through Anita Burns
Namaste. We would like to speak to you about Life and Death.
What is the life’s purpose? Why is there life? Your scientists cannot explain it. They can delve deeply into the smallest physical particle and look at waves of light, electricity, and other energy, but they cannot explain how and why life exists . They cannot, also explain how or why life ends.
One minute a person or animal is breathing. Their body is functioning by circulating blood and their heart is beating. The next moment, all is gone. The body begins to revert to its basic elements
Humans mourn the passing of loved ones. Even the religious among you fear death. Most human societies have laws and taboos against killing one’s own kind. Why? Religions of the world teach that life after death is a glorious existence, full, rich, happy, joyous. Why, then are humans so afraid of death?
Because humans, as physical beings are dual creatures. Although you, as an immortal spirit only rent the molecules of a body for a certain number of years, that set of molecules has a consciousness that is mostly unaware of it’s inhabitant—You!
Body Consciousness
Bodies have a consciousness of their own. It’s main job is survival. Your spirit has no such fear of death. It does not have a mandate for survival because it cannot die. You cannot die. You were never born. Only your set of temporarily rented molecules was born, runs for a certain time, then disintegrates. You were never on such a temporary track. You are immortal. You animate the physical molecules in the body you inhabit. when you leave, it dies and disintegrates.
But then, why does the body consciousness seem to be in such overwhelming control over your consciousness? You may be told you are immortal, but you don’t feel immortal. Do you? You may be told you are a never ending source of joy. But do you experience, ever abiding joy? Probably not!
Survival Instinct
Your rented molecules not only want to survive, they have immeasurable ways to ensure your survival. They want to feel safe, secure, connected to others, loved, and loving. However, because the rented molecules have only limited knowledge of the universe and of immortality, and of the interconnectedness of all things, it can become fearful, greedy, angry, sad, depressed, dishonest, nervous, stressed, suppressed, and a myriad of other “negative” emotions and behaviors.
But, at the root of all these negativities, your rented molecules are striving to bring themselves into a state of balance, safety, security, and peace, among other “positive” emotions and ways of being. Anger may mean that your body consciousness has been violated. Depression could mean that your body consciousness is not feeling loved. Stress could mean that your body consciousness is feeling that there is too much to do or that it isn’t good enough. It’s beliefs create its sense of reality, right, wrong, true, and false. Beliefs, are simply energy forces and neither good nor bad, true, nor false.
Inhabited by an Immortal Being of Light
All this means that your body consciousness wants to be right; feel loved; be good enough; and so forth. It is not aware, or only vaguely aware that it is inhabited by an immortal being of light. Your rented molecules believes things are IMPORTANT. It has an emotional investment in others being approving, behaving in a certain way, and perhaps believing the same things it does.
If these things are not there, sadness, anger, stress, disappointment, and more overwhelm the body and it feels “bad.”
The rented molecules mistakenly believe that objects, money, and perhaps fame can bring happiness. But almost always, these things only bring fleeting sense of satisfaction before there is a craving for more and more and usually negative experiences come along for the ride.
We ask again, why? Why are you so powerless in your own body? Ah! Because as immortal beings of light, you also follow a sort of path from sleep to awake. When you are first renting molecules, you are unaware of your true self. You are asleep to your sense of being. The rented molecules—body consciousness must carry you around like a babe in the womb. For it is the law of the universe that awakening can only happen through living within physical matter. By animating physical matter, you are completing a “circuit” that allows you to awaken to your self.
Lifetime After Lifetime
Lifetime after lifetime, you animate matter as you grow, like an embryo to a fetus, to a babe, ready to be born, independent of its mother’s body, yet dependent on her for sustenance and protection. Soon it grows to fully independent life and is ready to leave home. But during those lifetimes, you rely on the rented molecules to carry you through its life. Until you are able to stand on your own immortal feet, you must rely on the body consciousness. It is a symbiotic system, a two way street, so to speak. You cannot awaken to your true self without the physical world.
Between lives, you stay very much at the same consciousness that you had when you left your most recent body. Some growth and learning takes place in the later stages of awakening, but not as much as when you are struggling to emerge triumphant over the body consciousness, struggling to awaken.
This must happen and will happen. Little by little, life after life, you grow stronger and stronger until one day, you KNOW who you are. Your center of being is no longer in the brain and emotional body, but in your immortal light. You feel it. You live it. You are it.
The Fight for Control
Ah, but the drama does not stop there. The rented molecules, fear death. They fight to stay in control, to keep you from overtaking their rulership of existence. You may succeed in living from spirit for a while, but the body consciousness sneaks distractions, attracts drama, crisis, emotions, temptations, and more. Like Christ on the hill with “Satan,” Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree being tempted by all forms of physical distractions, each and every one of you being drawn again and again into the drama and trauma of life will eventually triumph.
The battle of Armageddon, so scarily put in your scriptures, refers not to an external battle, but to the inner battle within each spirit inhabiting a body. The good news is that you will win. There is no defeat. It is not a matter of if, but of when.
Eventually, the body consciousness becomes your servant. It does your bidding while you are in the body. Your emotions, mind, and thoughts are only of joy, and the wondrousness of life. You then have tremendous power. You know how to manipulate matter, attract what is right and good, move mountains with your thoughts, heal instantly, and more. Is it any wonder that power of such magnitude is not given until one is ready to wield it in a responsible manner? Only a handful of beings on your planet have reached that stage of integration of body, mind, and spirit. These are the saints and avatars of your history and of your present. They live only to help you on your journey toward the perfection of life.
The Christ and Buddha are not the only human beings who reached that stage, they are just the most written about. There are humans on your earth today who have reached that place of full awakening. You will also, one day, reach that same state of being.
Blessings on your journey,
Johar and Simon Channeled through Anita Burns
Anita Burns has been channeling for over 25 years. If you would like to schedule an appointment for an in-person, phone or by video/audio chat channeled or psychic reading please call 951-738-8802. anitaburns.info