The Joy of Movement and Sound
Do you wish you could free yourself from mental and physical stagnation?
Do you want to loosen the barriers confining your higher self and let your light being self MOVE through you, freely, joyfully, powerfully?
Then live life with your whole being. Little can compare with the joys of motion and sound; for within movement is stillness, within sound is silence, within excitement is peace. If energy is allowed to stagnate, we stagnate. “Use or lose it” is a popular saying. Use your body. Use your voice. Use your mind. Be free and filled with light.
There is no need to grunt through difficult and painful exercises in order to experience the bright aliveness of being; to be overflowing with life. Sweat isn’t a requirement, only enjoyment. Even if you have been sedentary for years, you CAN begin to flow with vitality and life.
“Land of Freedom” Not Free to Flow
It’s too bad that in our modern land of freedom, free-flowing movement and voice are often not acceptable in daily life. Someone walking through the park, singing and dancing is more likely to bring fear and suspicion from others rather than smiles and approval. But in China, thousands gather each morning for beautifully flowing Tai Chi. In our western world, movement on the coffee-break is something rarely seen. Yet in Japan, each break brings workers who stretch and twist, breath and chant. Alas, here in the West we rarely let ourselves express through movement and voice.
Stuck Energy
Energy from thoughts and emotions bottle-up and cause physical dysfunction, emotional disgruntlement, and inhibited self concepts. As a result we often have trouble meditating and staying on a healthful diet. It is so often more alluring to sit in front of the “boob tube” and munch, than to recharge our bodies with movement and voice, then slip into quiet meditation to awaken later feeling alive with youthful vitality.
So, we give in to the inertia of the body and sink deeper and deeper into inactivity and stagnation. Our bodies fall apart, and our minds remain wild chaotic or disintegrate with senility. And when, at the end of this embodiment, we look back at our term on earth, we sigh and say “What happened? I had such potential this time. Well, I’ll try again.”
Come Alive Now!
COME OUT OF THE COCOON! Let your light shine! Be alive now! When we are truly alive, we are at peace, able to let love flow through us to touch each other. The wise ones teach the oneness of all beings and all things. Each one of us affects all other things on earth and in the universe. When we are filled with joy and light, everyone in the universe benefits.
No, it isn’t necessary to begin dancing your lunch hour away. But we can begin to take some special time to use our whole being for expression and joy.
Let the Sacred Flow Through
Swami Parmahansa Yogananda prayed in song: “I am the bubble, make the sea.” The sea is motion and sound. It is rhythmic, fluid, powerful. We are the bubbles, make us the sea. Make us the wind. Make us whole. No need for singing or dancing skills. We all have the ability to let the sacred flow through. When that happens, we move, we sing, we are free and the river of aliveness removes all obstacles. When that happens we are truly ALIVE!
Be alive. Move, float, swirl, dance, march, stretch, bend, jump, walk, sing, hum, sound, chant, laugh.
Try This
Try this. Sit on the floor or on a chair. Take three deep breaths, filling the bottom of the lungs first, then the middle, then the top. Pull the stomach muscles in. The exhale from the bottom up. Sit for a moment, still, quiet, breathing normally.
Now, on each exhale begin to hum tunelessly. Gradually let your voice begin changing tempo, pitch, volume. Next begin to move your arms with your voice. For instance, if your voice goes from low to high, you might raise an arm or both arms. Let your arms flow and float. Move slowly, quickly, up, down, around. Let it flow. Sway your body. Open your mouth and sound “AAAHHH”, “OOHHH”, “EEEEEEH,” or whatever comes.
Stand, or if that’s too much, sit and move your body and legs in harmony with your voice. There is no right or wrong, only experience. Go with it, experience the life energy moving through you. Sway, twirl, step, glide, jump, MOVE!
Then begin to slow down, sit or lie down, quiet the body, quiet the voice. Quietly experience how you feel and what your mind’s eye sees. BE ALIVE!!!